Saturday, June 19, 2010

Social media is an amazing tool. It connects us to a vast network of people and allows us to interact with them at many levels with consistency. Twitter and Facebook are two of the most popular social media applications used today. Like any tool, it can be misused. Here is my checklist to make sure you're not a social media loser. I'm guilty at times, of not having gone through my own checklist (except for #1 of course).

1) Am I intoxicated? If "yes" then shut down the computer or turn off the mobile device and get counseling. No? Proceed to step 2. (This may seem like a "no brainer" but based on what I read sometimes - I wonder!)

2) Is anyone out there really interested what I'm going to say - or is it meaningless dribble?

3) Am I ranting on one of "my pet peeves" or standing on my "soap box"?

4) Do I ever say something personal or do I only use social media to promote my company, organization, product or brand?

5) If I'm a Christian, am I using "Christian speak" that nobody out side of the church crowd will understand or relate to?

6) How many times have I tweeted today? More than 10 tweets and I risk having people unfollow me to avoid my chatter.

7) Do my postings have some comic relief and if they do, is my humor appropriate?

7) Have I remembered "Steve's rule"? This post could make me look good or show the world that I'm an idiot!

And two from my friend Maurilio Amorim (

9) If using Twitter, am I keeping my post under 120 characters so it can be "retweeted"?

10) Again with Twitter - How can I say this in a more interesting way with fewer characters?

Do you have any to add to my list?